I'm excited to finally announce my Maid(s) of Honor and my Bridesmaids!
I packed and shipped out the invitations consisting of a note, hand made floral crown, a little notebook, and a tote bag.
I asked if they would all shoot a selfie in their crown to confirm if they would be in my wedding and I'm thrilled to say that they all agreed!
Caitlin and Maigan are my sister's and my Maids of Honor. (Hailey, the youngest sister will be asked to be flower girl.. but we will get to that down the road.)
Danielle is Jeff's younger sister and my sister in SAI.
Joyce is my little sister in SAI.
Catch a theme here?
There were many candidates (in fact a whole sisterhood of lovely ladies!) and I would have loved to be able to ask them all.. but I decided to keep it very small and I hope everyone understands.
I can't wait to continue planning and keep updating.
The next chapter will be the Instagram Engagement Shot series.. Stay tuned!
Happy Wednesday!
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